With limited skills I have, so far I've been working on information management and coordination for humanitarian activities, GIS and remote sensing, crop simulation models, agriculture meteorology and climate risk analytics.
Find out some information about the projects that I've been involved with...
International development agency:
The World Bank
Unit: GOST, Data Analytics and Tools. DEC Data Group
Location: Washington DC, US
Position: Climate Geographer
I supported 14 projects (some of them are still ongoing) with various theme from Sustainable Development Flagship, Water and Climate, Urban, World Development Report, Poverty, Data Partnership and Ukraine need assessment.
United Nations
World Food Programme
Project: Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping
Location: Indonesia and Regional Asia and the Pacific
Date: June 2012 - August 2021
Dates: Jan 2017 - Aug 2021. (Earth Observation and Climate Analyst)
Main activities and responsibilities:
Support Bangkok Regional Bureau for Asia and Pacific (RBB) VAM team with climate risk analytics and outlook, and responsible for spatial analysis covering 22 countries (17 country offices + 5 oversight countries).
Dates: Jun 2012 - Dec 2016. (GIS Officer)
Main activities and responsibilities:
Working under Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM) unit and mostly the main activities that I am involved is as follows: capacity development for WFP staffs and government counterparts; secondary data initiative; involved in emergency response; enhance knowledge on methodologies of analyzing relationship between climate characteristics, natural disaster and food security; exploration for new methodologies and research on satellite-based application for food security, deforestation, hydrometeorological disaster and agriculture application - to track crops phenological events on particular season; providing GIS service for VAM, Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) and Nutrition unit and Sub-offices.
Selected achievement:
The Best GIS Officer in 1st GIS Community Award 2015, World Food Programme, worldwide.
Working with web-developer, create an online FSVA 2015, FSVA is now installed in the President of Indonesia’s situation room to monitor national food security.
Working with software-data-frontend engineer, develop VAMPIRE - The Vulnerability Analysis and Monitoring Platform for Impact of Regional Events, VAMPIRE is a multi-tier system that fuses satellite precipitation data, vegetation indices, crowd-sourced food price data and household survey data. It provides integrated visualizations of the extent of drought affected areas, the impact on food market structure and pricing, and the coping strategies and resilience of affected populations. VAMPIRE is now installed in the President of Indonesia’s situation room to monitor national food security.
Indonesia Country Office – SDI and GIS Services.
Province Infographic.
United Nations
International Labour Organization
Project: The UNDP/ILO Project “Creating Jobs: Capacity Building for Local Resource-based Road Works in Selected Districts in Aceh and Nias”
Location: Aceh, Indonesia
GIS Consultant (01 February - 31 May 2011)
GIS Officer (11 July 2011 - 06 June 2012)
Date of Consultancy: 01 February 2011 - 06 June 2012
Download full report (period: 01 February - 31 May 2011) in PDF here
Selected achievement:
Makes 1 staff of district public works as a champion in the GIS operating room. See project report - Page 109.
Completed institutional capacity development for government counterpart: 398 days of trainee-days, 120 men and 36 women trainees (2011) and 538 days of trainee-days, 31 men and 8 women trainees (2012).
District road and bridge condition survey for ±750 km of district road in Pidie and ±850 km in Bireuen completed.
District road and bridge condition spatial data with data attribute for every 100 meter of road:
Road information: Start and end point, coordinate, number of road network, suffix, length, status, classification, sub-district, village, pictures
Condition: good, fair, fair/damage, damage, heavy damage
Pavement: concrete, asphalt, gravel, stone, dirt
Other: width, shoulder, other construction (wall/intake)
Bridge: kilometers location, type, coordinate, extend, across, condition, pictures
United Nations
Resident Coordinator Office
Project: 2010 West Sumatra Recovery Network
Location: West Sumatra, Indonesia
Position: Information Management Officer
Date of Consultancy: 13 May - 31 December 2010
United Nations
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Project: 2009 West Sumatra Earthquake Response
Location: West Sumatra, Indonesia
Position: GIS/IT Officer
Date of Consultancy: 16 December 2009 - 30 April 2010
Asian Development Bank
Project: Information Support for Management of Aceh's Forest Resources
Location: Aceh, Indonesia
Position: GIS Modeler
Client: SKM - Sinclair Knight Merz
Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project - Package 39 Part 2
Date of Consultancy: 04 October 2009 - 12 December 2009
Client: SECID - South East Consortium for International Development
Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project - Package 38
Date of Consultancy: 14 July 2008 - 30 April 2009
United Nations Population Fund
Project: 2010 Population and Housing Census in Timor-Leste
Location: Timor-Leste
Position: Census Mapping Supervisor
Date of Consultancy: 11 May - 30 September 2009
Selected achievement:
Revised enumeration area, suco location and marked landmark for 3 district (Dili, Oecusse and Baucau)
GIS Data
Consultancy report in electronic and printed version
European Union
South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project
Project: Forest Fire Management Project
Location: Palembang
Short-term Expert (April 2008)
GIS Consultant (October 2006)
Selected achievement:
Guideline on the use of remote sensing open source software for fire monitoring. (2008)
Spatial Information System for Land and Forest Fire (SISKe), a desktop application for fire monitoring. SISKe have been utilised by all forestry offices at district level and some industrial forest plantation office in South Sumatra. (2006)
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Project: Indonesia Immunization Project
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Position: GIS Consultant
Date of Consultancy: August - December 2009
Government of Indonesia:
Ministry of Forestry
Project: Rehabilitation of Land and Forest on Ciliwung-Cisadane Watershed for Flood Management in Jabotabek Area
Location: West Java, Indonesia
Position: GIS Consultant
Client: Center of Watershed Management (BPDAS) Citarum - Ciliwung
Date of Consultancy: December 2007 - March 2008
Project: Spring water identification in Jeneberang - Walanae watershed
Location: South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Position: GIS Consultant
Client: Center of Watershed Management (BPDAS) Jeneberang - Walanae
Date of Consultancy: October 2007 - January 2008
Project: Spring water identification in Sampara watershed
Location: South East Sulawesi, Indonesia
Position: GIS Consultant
Client: Center of Watershed Management (BPDAS) Sampara
Date of Consultancy: September 2007 - November 2007
Project: Spring water identification in Citarum - Ciliwung watershed
Location: West Java, Indonesia
Position: GIS Consultant
Client: Center of Watershed Management (BPDAS) Citarum - Ciliwung
Date of Consultancy: August 2007 - October 2007
Government of Papua: Regional Development Planning Board
Project: Photogrametrical study of Waropen district, Papua
Location: Papua, Indonesia
Position: GIS Consultant
Client: Regional Development Planning Board of Waropen district
Date of Consultancy: February 2007 - May 2007
Bogor Agricultural University
Satellite Meteorology for undergraduate program
Satellite Climatology for graduate program
Location: Bogor, Indonesia
Position: Lecturer Assistant
Client: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Date of Consultancy: August 2005 - January 2007
National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN)
Project: Remotely-sensed information system for natural disaster mitigation
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Position: Research Assistant
Client: Division of Natural Resources and Environmental Monitoring (PSDAL), Center for Remote Sensing Application and Technology Development
Date of Consultancy: April 2006 - May 2007
Project: Energy balance on land use and land cover change in Java
Location: Bandung, Indonesia
Position: Research Assistant
Client: Division of Climatology and Environment Application (BAKL), Center for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences
Date of Consultancy: January - December 2005
Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)
Project: GIS-based software design for climate data analysis and visualization
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Position: Intern
Client: Laboratory of Geosystem Technology, Directorate of Technology for Natural Resource Inventory (TISDA)
Date of Consultancy: June - December 2004