Web Map Interface

This training was part of ADB’s ETESP Package 39 Part 2 project and was carried out last month, which was attended by staff from Aceh’s Forestry and Plantation Office.

The training course is built around the concept of data severs, map servers and application servers and the open source software required at each tier to establish a scalable architecture capable of delivering spatial web services and web applications.


Participants will be up to date with the latest geospatial data standards and exchange formats which enable interoperability.

On completion of the training course, participants will have developed a map viewer framework using open source software which distributes spatial web services and web mapping applications.


The length of the course is approximately 5 days


An overview of the training course material is summarised below;

Module 1, focuses on spatial web services, the standards, protocols and data exchange formats as well as practical applications including the creation, debugging and accessing of spatial web services.


  • Introduction to Map Server 4 Windows (MS4W)

  • Map Server 4 Windows installation


  • Introduction to the Web Mapping Service (WMS) standard

  • MapServer, creating a WMS data service, debugging and troubleshooting

  • WMS and uDig

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Module 2, introduces the basic technologies that can be used to begin creating web applications, including client side javascript libraries and data formats.


  • Introduction to Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML)

  • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

  • Creating a web site


  • Introduction to JavaScript

  • Using JavaScript to create Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

Ext JS

  • Introduction to Ext JS and the Ext JS API

  • Including Ext JS in your website

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Module 3, introduces OpenLayers client side JavaScript libraries that are used to display web services and vector data formats, to enable the creation of dynamic maps in web applications.


  • Introduction to OpenLayers and the OpenLayers API

  • A basic web map

  • Vector Styles and Formats in Open Layers (KML, GML, WKT)

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Module 4, investigates spatial database systems, in particular the object-relational PostgreSQL with PostGIS spatial extension including database and table management, loading SHP files, basic and spatial queries and database formats


  • Overview of PostGIS

  • Loading SHP files into PostGIS

DB Queries

  • Introduction to basic queries and results

  • Introduction to spatial queries and formats

  • OpenLayers and PostgreSQL/PostGIS

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Module 5, database access, spatial web services and JavaScript combine to produce a user friendly graphical web mapping application which enables geo-processing.


  • Creating a toolbar and customised tools

  • Spatial database processing from the web client

Annex A provides a background to geographic standards and software and the web sites that provide support and documentation.

Reference sites to geographic standards, software downloads and supporting documentation

Download Web Map Interface Training module here (52 MB)


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