Kelas Inspirasi Bogor 2

Last week, on 9 Sep 2014 I participated in Kelas Inspirasi Bogor - part of Indonesia Mengajar activities. I and some other professional and assisted by Anneke Puspa Calliandra, give inspiration on how to dream big and prepare for the future to students in grade 1 to 6 in SDN Ciomas 8, Bogor.

I introduced myself as a crisis mapper of the United Nations agency. I love drawing and colouring since I was a kid, this inspire me to do my job now as a crisis mapper who mainly is working with drawing and colouring maps.

I shared the idea that helping others and contributing to humanitarian is as simple as I do.

First picture from left to right: Darma, Nunuz, Ayu, Rusydan, Anneke, Herli, Yuna, Alfa, Hendri, Benny, Fahmi

Pictures taken by Nunuz Rohmatullayaly.


OSM use case: accessibility mapping


Menginstall “GDAL/OGR for Python” di Windows