A Reason For Being

According to Wikipedia, Ikigai (生き甲斐) (pronounced [ikiɡai]) is a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being". The word refers to having a meaningful direction or purpose in life, constituting the sense of one's life being made worthwhile, with actions (spontaneous and willing) taken towards achieving one's ikigai resulting in satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life.

And here’s my version of Ikigai:

  • I LOVE drawing and coloring, especially a map since I was a kid.

  • I am GOOD AT turning data into maps for actionable, life-saving insights.

  • I work as a crisis mapper and get PAID FOR it.

  • I share the ideas of helping others and contributing to humanitarian NEEDS is as simple as I do.

How about you?


GeoTIFF to NetCDF file with time dimension enabled and CF-Compliant


30 Day Map Challenge