Historical flood occurrence
Inspired from Dr. Ate Poortinga’s work in extracting water occurrence from satellite image, I tried to do similar analysis to get historical average of flood occurrence by month. The result from this analysis will be added as a probability information to enhance WFP's VAMPIRE flood alert system (Extreme rainfall-triggering flood) that currently I am working on.
The steps below describe how to extract monthly water occurrence and seasonality water using Google Earth Engine code editor.
Step 1. Define geographic domain
var point = ee.Geometry.Point(111.9124, -6.9454); var rectangle = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(57.0,-13.0,175,57.0); var bbox = ee.Feature(rectangle).geometry(); Map.centerObject(point, 11);
Step 2. Import JRC Global Surface Water and extract permanent water from Seasonality layer
var jrcA = ee.Image('JRC/GSW1_1/GlobalSurfaceWater'); var seasonality = jrcA.select('seasonality').clip(bbox); var jrcB = ee.ImageCollection("JRC/GSW1_1/MonthlyHistory");
Step 3. Define study period (example: extract January data from 1984 - 2018)
var startYear = 1984; var endYear = 2018; var startMonth = 1; var endMonth = 12; var startDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(startYear, startMonth,1); var endDate = ee.Date.fromYMD(endYear, endMonth,31); var months = endDate.difference(startDate, 'month').divide(12).toInt().add(1); print('Number of month selected : ', months); var myjrc = jrcB.filterBounds(bbox); var myjrc = jrcB.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(startYear, endYear, 'year')).filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(startMonth, endMonth, 'month'));
Step 4. Detect all observation data with water
// Detect observations var myjrc = myjrc.map(function(img){ // observation is img > 0 var obs = img.gt(0); return img.addBands(obs.rename('obs').set('system:time_start', img.get('system:time_start'))); }); // Detect all observations with water var myjrc = myjrc.map(function(img){ // if water var water = img.select('water').eq(2); return img.addBands(water.rename('onlywater').set('system:time_start', img.get('system:time_start'))); });
Step 5. Calculate flood occurrence
// Calculate the total amount of observations var totalObs = ee.Image(ee.ImageCollection(myjrc.select("obs")).sum().toFloat()); // Calculate all observations with water var totalWater = ee.Image(ee.ImageCollection(myjrc.select("onlywater")).sum().toFloat()); // Calculate the percentage of observations with water var floodfreq0 = totalWater.divide(totalObs).multiply(100); // Mask areas that are not water (land) var landMask = floodfreq0.eq(0).not(); var floodfreq1 = floodfreq0.updateMask(landMask); //Historical water occurrence (permanent water + flood) // Extract permanent water, threshold >= 82% occurrence // 82% came from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenvs.2019.00191/full var gte82Mask = floodfreq1.gte(82); var pw82 = floodfreq1.updateMask(gte82Mask); // Subtract water (flood) occurrence with permanent water, threshold >= 82% occurrence var gt82Mask = floodfreq1.gte(82).not(); var floodfreq2 = floodfreq1.updateMask(gt82Mask); // Extract permanent water, threshold >= 10month/year occurrence var gte10Mask0 = seasonality.gte(10); var pw10 = seasonality.updateMask(gte10Mask0); // Subtract water (flood) occurrence with permanent water, threshold >= 10month/year occurrence var gte10Mask1 = seasonality.gte(10).mask(1); gte10Mask1 = gte10Mask1.eq(1).not(); var floodfreq3 = floodfreq1.updateMask(gte10Mask1);
Step 6. Visualisation and add map to canvas
// Seasonal Water - Orange to Red is persistent water for at least 10 month/year var seasonalityVis = {min: 0.0, max: 12.0, palette: ['f7fbff','deebf7','c6dbef','9ecae1','6baed6','4292c6','2171b5','08519c','08306b','fd8d3c','f03b20','bd0026']}; // Flood Occurrence var floodViz = {min:0, max:100, palette:['c10000','d742f4','001556','b7d2f7']}; // Permanent Water >=82% var pw82Viz = {palette:"ff9e00"}; // Permanent Water >=10month var pw10Viz = {palette:"38f500"}; // Add map to canvas Map.addLayer(floodfreq3.clip(bbox), floodViz,"FloodFreq without PW >=10month", true); Map.addLayer(floodfreq2.clip(bbox), floodViz,"FloodFreq without PW >=82%", false); Map.addLayer(floodfreq1.clip(bbox), floodViz,"FloodFreq", false); Map.addLayer(pw10.clip(bbox), pw10Viz,"Permanent Water >=10 month/year", false); Map.addLayer(pw82.clip(bbox), pw82Viz,"Permanent Water >=82% occurrence", false); Map.addLayer(seasonality.clip(bbox), seasonalityVis, "Seasonal Water", false);
Step 7. Export the result to Google Drive
Export.image.toDrive({ image:floodfreq3, description:'FF_January_1984_2018', folder:'GEE', scale:30, region: bbox_LKA, maxPixels:1e12 });
Step 8. Setting legend
// Set position of panel var legend = ui.Panel({ style: { position: 'bottom-right', padding: '8px 15px' } }); // Create legend title var legendTitle = ui.Label({ value: 'Probability of Flood Ocurrence (%)', style: { fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '18px', margin: '0 0 4px 0', padding: '0' } }); // Add the title to the panel legend.add(legendTitle); // Create the legend image var lon = ee.Image.pixelLonLat().select('latitude'); var gradient = lon.multiply((floodViz.max-floodViz.min)/100.0).add(floodViz.min); var legendImage = gradient.visualize(floodViz); // Create text on top of legend var panel = ui.Panel({ widgets: [ ui.Label(floodViz['max']) ], }); legend.add(panel); // Create thumbnail from the image var thumbnail = ui.Thumbnail({ image: legendImage, params: {bbox:'0,0,10,100', dimensions:'10x200'}, style: {padding: '1px', position: 'bottom-center'} }); // Add the thumbnail to the legend legend.add(thumbnail); // Area text on top of legend var panel = ui.Panel({ widgets: [ ui.Label(floodViz['min']) ], }); legend.add(panel); Map.add(legend);
Figure 1. Google Earth Engine user interface
Full script here